some useful keyboard shortcuts for emacs and screen


Ctrl-x 1 one window
Ctrl-x 2 split into two windows
Ctrl-x o other window
Ctrl-x 0 kill a window, go to other
Ctrl-s search ahead
Ctrl-r search reverse
Ctrl-x b select buffer
Ctrl-x k kill buffer
Ctrl-x Ctrl-b list buffers
Meta-x shell open shell
Ctrl-x Ctrl-q cvs commands
Ctrl-sp set mark
Meta-h mark paragraph
Ctrl-x h mark all
Ctrl-w cut
Ctrl-k kill
Meta-w copy
Ctrl-y paste
Ctrl-g abort current function context
Ctrl - undo
Meta replace-string search and replace
Meta-x quick-calc do a simple calculation
Ctrl-u n cmd repeat cmd n times, e.g. Ctrl-u 20 Meta-x shrink-window
Ctrl-n move ahead one line
Ctrl-p move back one line
Ctrl-f move ahead one char
Ctrl-b move back one char
Meta-< move to top of buffer
Meta-> move to bottom of buffer
Meta-! get a shell command prompt in the minibuffer
Meta-: eval an elisp expression in the minibuffer
Ctrl-x m compose an email


L list mailboxes
g rescan mailboxes
m compose mail
r reply
R reply with quoted body
f reply-all
F reply-all with quoted body
h toggle between message headers list and message body buffer
B-DEL permanently delete
B-m move
Ctrl-u Meta-g see undread messages in a folder
Ctrl-c Ctrl-f forward
Ctrl-c Ctrl-c send mail
Ctrl-c Ctrl-m s o gpg sign
Ctrl-c Ctrl-m c o gpg encrypt


Ctrl-c a enter agenda view
arrow keys advance ahead in agenda view
c calendar in agenda view
Ctrl-c a recreate agenda view
Ctrl-c Ctrl-s pick schedule time for a task
Ctrl-c Ctrl-d pick a deadline for a task
Ctrl-c Ctrl-t tab through status changes for a task


R refresh page
v view bookmarks
a add to bookmarks
g go to url
G go to url in new tab
Ctrl-c Ctrl-n next tab
Ctrl-c Ctrl-p prev tab
S search


Ctrl-c j join a channel
Ctrl-c Ctrl-p leave a channel
Ctrl-c p send line to a particular user
Ctrl-c q quit


Ctrl-a c create a new screen
Ctrl-a n go to screen n
Ctrl-a S split screen
Ctrl-a Q unsplit screen
Ctrl-a [ start copy mode
Sp start/end mark
Ctrl-a ] paste

last update 03/20/2007